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Claritist Basic

4.4 ( 2564 ratings )
المطور: Yee Keat Phuah

# Secure
Security and Privacy come first in Claritist.

There are no logins to third party servers to store your data.

All your data are saved in iCloud, and synchronized with Apple’s methodology, the same technology that powers the synchronization of data for native iOS Apps across devices.

GTD is a methodology that many still practices with pen and paper, and it is effective and beautiful in a way that it is simple enough to be implemented without an electronic device.

Claritist takes a pragmatic approach in the design to support the simplicity of the GTD methodology, as too many automations often adds complexity and hence dilutes the clarity of the system in use.

The tickler file is an essential part of GTD, as it allows you to uncloud items that you have decided not to take away your attention until a specific date.

Claritist treats the tickler file important enough to show it prominently in the overview screen. You no longer need to (mis)use the Due Dates to represent Tickler On.

Items that tickle on today can be shown in a Today widget placed right below the Calendar widget, so that it is clear what are the things that needs your attention today, before even looking at any of the other lists.

You can attach any photos or files as an attachment for an item.

The photos and files get saved in Claritist itself so they will be available in all your iOS and MacOS devices even when the original files are moved or deleted.

Links are also treated specially in the notes, allowing you to link to a web URL easily, or to a Google Docs document.

Claritist can link a list to a label in Gmail, so that you do not need to forward emails into a special email account, or set up complex recipes that often make you give up privacy to automatically sync between your Gmail labels and your GTD app.

Create the labels as David Allen have suggested, @Office, @Home, @WaitingFor, then link them up in Claritist, so that every time you are at Office, you have a single view of all the tasks that are outside of Gmail and also within Gmail.

Checklists are such an integral part of Getting Things Done, that David pitches the Weekly Review to be implemented as a Checklist, to prevent forgetting about some of the areas that you need to look at during the Weekly Review, after all, GTD is all about not needing to remember so much in your head.

Claritist implements Checklist the right way, instead of as subtasks. As mostly used during weekly review, or before travel, it allows you to check off individual items without affecting the task, and also let you easily uncheck all of the checklist once the main task is completed, to be used again next time.

One of the advantages of a digital system, is that it can let you zoom out and have a clear view of everything you have in a bird eye’s view.

Claritist’s overview screen does exactly that. Not only it gives clarity of everything that you have with hard edges in between items and lists, it also surfaces any lists that have items due, or that have too many items.

Without this overview, it is often hard for GTD practitioners to realize that the buckets needs to be reorganized, often causing them to be overwhelmed when one list have too many items.